One night stand game
One night stand game


Just having a few loops around with flipped junction intersections and stuff would have been fine, even if you could loop it in a few minutes. I'm more than happy to see similar looking intersections and stuff at first, for it to get more customised as you refine the track.Įven Bay Route 9 was really great, even before the tunnel. Again you can keep it simple then improve it later on with more customised junctions etc. Yep a free-roam with 20 cars would be completely possible.įor the experience to be more fun than frustration you need to control variables such as scripts and poly counts/draw counts a bit more robustly than usual It's not too big, and could be made smaller at first and then extended to the other loops once the first are completed. I even think the concept is pretty cool for now. I'm happy to help out with a few bits if I can, and I think Stereo is too on cool shader approaches to get great looking night time looks to the tracks. Keep driving it and refining it and once things feel great you can start to add in unique intersections and buildings to finally polish it off more?!Įither way keep going. So maybe (just thinking) try modular building at first, and repeating buildings more, along with rough blockout buildings. I rough them out and get happy with the concept, but then getting into all the details can be a real heavy hitting event when you realise it might take years to finish haha!īut then it's hard to visualise a track until it's roughed out, so you can get bogged down in details to visualise it but if it doesn't work out it's work down the drain a bit.

one night stand game

This is where I always fall down with big projects. say four big corner pieces of various radius. Ie, mirror and flip them and stuff to add variance. Do you think it'd work to build big modules that were quite flexible and then you can reuse them? I'll happily have a bash at a few over the coming month or so.Īs per the junction/roads. Yes, just block out buildings in roughly the right place and then give them a number and send them out to people interested. I think you just need to keep working away at it, what you've done already looks good so no need to lose heart. or modular in nature, so you can add a bit of variety but use the same base textures say. It's so easy to plan a big track, another to actually get something going and in Racer and workable, so kudos for getting something going along these lines again that we can all enjoyĥ00 buildings is a lot, but I think once you've done the main front ones, the ones nearer the back can be repeated.


I'll download what you have so far and have a play, but this sounds good! easier than you'd think if you do it at the end of a build I suppose you can always optimise later with texture atlases too. Obviously we'd need to be really tight on texture size, so knowing exactly how big it'd be on screen when racing in 1440p for example, would let us get the textures spot on.

one night stand game

I'd probably unwrap each building though and do a light map and PBR, so it can have nice glossy windows, matte walls, AO maps etc, and also one shader and look really nice.


My request though because it makes iterating and updating easier, is to rough out the buildings in a file, so what I send you literally drops into place without being touched, so each time I update it you can just delete (building_39) for example, and then just re-import my version, with same named model, textures, shader entries etc. I'm more than happy to help out if you just pick a building and point me in it's direction. In an ideal world i would like to make it accurate, but for the sake of stress and fun - I don't think i need to go into that much detail.Īs Stereo noted above, doing some slightly more in-depth building texturing might mean we can end up with really sweet looking buildings. I think i will need approx 50 different buildings in order to create an environment that doesn't look like its been copy pasted, obviously each building will be used at least once, but working some texture magic could make the building completely different, therefore making 50 buildings look like 200 buildings.if you are following me. Now if any of you think you can model buildings, then i would like to ask you for your help! Hop on Google street view, select your building, Model away and post it here with relevant textures. so i doubt you will stop to take in the lovely Japanese apartment blocks and parking storage towers. As you can see my 2 examples above, not 100% accurate, but you will be blasting past at speed. I'm using Google street view, to select a building, i take a few screenshots and off i go and work the magic in Sketch-up. I'm currently aiming to do 1 building a day for the next few weeks. Now, i need "Help" Populating the exterior of the circuit with buildings.

One night stand game